Transit services

The transit procedure is used for the transport of goods under customs supervision between two customs offices, typically from the entry to the EU to chosen inland customs office within the EU.

ECS can guide you through the complete transit operation, from the departure phase to the destination phase.

In order to comply with the customs legislation, businesses have to follow certain rules for transits:

To release the transported goods for transit procedure within the NCTS environment
To make available all documentation Customs might request in relation to such a procedure
To provide the transit guarantee to Customs, to secure potential customs debt
To make sure transit operation is properly ended at destination place and discharged


The transit services we offer include the following areas:

 The issuance of Transit Accompanying Document
Providing for the transit guarantee required for this operation
 Assistance in case of physical inspection of the goods by the customs office
 Support in providing the evidence in case the transit operation is not finished
 Archiving of all submitted and issued documents


 Contact us

Our team is ready to assist with your requests. Please feel free to contact our experts below:


European Customs Services, s.r.o.,
Airport Logistic Park, Kněževes 185,
252 68, Středokluky

phone: +420 605 382 389

Direct contacts to our customs experts:

Jana Miškejová
+420 777 767 248

Radovan Šmídl
Customs manager
+420 605 382 389

Petr Kocman
Customs Compliance manager
+420 777 757 448

Contacts to our regional teams:

We provide our customs services in different regions throughout the EU.
Here you may find the relevant contacts based on the country you are interested in.