Special customs procedures

Depending on the procedure used, these special customs regimes allow for customs duties and other taxes due on goods to be relieved or suspended so long as the requirements of the procedure are met. The conditions relating to the operation of special procedures are laid down in EU law and are specified to each and every special procedure.

Special procedures is collective term applied in the EU customs legislation for the following procedures:

 Transit procedure, including external and internal transit
More about our transit services can be found here

Customs Warehousing allows for non-EU goods, which are chargeable with duty or are otherwise not in free circulation, to be stored without payment of customs duty and where appropriate excise duty or import VAT in a customs warehouse

 Specific use, comprising of temporary admissions and end-use

Temporary admission allows for economic operators to be authorised to import goods with total or partial relief from customs duties and other charges because of the specific use to which the goods will be put.

End-use allows for reduced or zero rates of customs duty on certain goods imported from non-EU countries, provided that the goods are put to a prescribed end use.

Processing, comprising of inward processing and outward processing

Inward processing allows for the payment of customs duties and import VAT to be suspended on goods imported from outside the EU (third country goods) whilst processing is taking place. If they are re-exported from the EU, the customs duties and import VAT will not be collected. If they are released to free circulation after processing, the duties and import VAT will need to be paid.

Outward processing allows EU traders to temporarily export EU goods for processing or repair, and to re-import the processed products with total or partial relief from import duties

In the area of special customs procedures we offer the following services:

 The analysis of the relevant case which client plans to realize in order to benefit from the special customs procedures
Assistance with the preparation of the formal application for special customs procedure permit
Set-up and the management of the business operation, covering also negotiations with customs authorities regarding the conditions which must be fulfilled by the operator
The practical part of the process - submission of the declaration for special customs procedure


 Contact us

Our team is ready to assist with your requests. Please feel free to contact our experts below:


European Customs Services, s.r.o.,
Airport Logistic Park, Kněževes 185,
252 68, Středokluky

phone: +420 605 382 389

Direct contacts to our customs experts:

Jana Miškejová
+420 777 767 248

Radovan Šmídl
Customs manager
+420 605 382 389

Petr Kocman
Customs Compliance manager
+420 777 757 448

Contacts to our regional teams:

We provide our customs services in different regions throughout the EU.
Here you may find the relevant contacts based on the country you are interested in.